Leggy was born to a kilt lifter named Milton “Big Bollocks” Biggurlsblouse Tuffnel...yes, distant 13th cousin twice removed to Spinal Tap's Nigel Tuffnel. They were very close. Nigel taught little Leggy how to play guitar at age 2. His mother Bianca “Ta Ta’s” desBarres was a groupie back in the sixties and was frequently seen with Brian Jones, Jim Morrison and Jimi Hendrix. Leggy always thought his father was Brian Jones but he could have also been Brian Epstein knowing Milton's shirt lifting tendencies. Leggy has played in many bands over the years including Love Pump, Gleaming Shaft, Hershey HiWay and Tunnel of Love. Perhaps his most famous gig was when Leggy was recently seen polishing Lemmy's (RIP) bass! Leggy is an accomplished musician on bass, guitar and drums.  His style is an eclectic mix of Rocky Horror, C.C. DeVille and Dee Snyder and has influenced numerous glam boys around the globe.

Check out Leggy on Harmonics with Gregory Correa. Please "Like" this video!

Leggy "Leggs" Biggurlsblouse (Jacques Gautreaux)

Bass Guitar, Vocals and Make-up Tips